Steppenwolf ensemble director Tina Landau, creator of 1997's acclaimed production, Space, directs this World Premiere production commissioned by Steppenwolf. Out of the chaos of high speed capitalism and crashing economies emerges a young, single woman caring for an abandoned baby. Based on an ancient Chinese fable, Charles L. Mee's The Berlin Circle is set in turbulent 1989 East Germany after the fall of Communism. Part uproarious spectacle, part touching fairy tale, the play captures the heartbeat of a world up for grabs. Charles L. Mee returns to Steppenwolf after his critically acclaimed Time to Burn played in the 1996-97 season.Content Advisory
Steppenwolf does not offer advisories about subject matter, as sensitivities vary from person to person.If you have any questions about content, age-appropriateness or stage effects(such as strobe lights or theatrical fog) that might have a bearing on patron comfort, please contact the box office at 312-335-1650.
Cast & Artists
The Artists
- Costume Design: Mara Blumenfeld
- Sound Design: Michael Bodeen
- Original Music: Michael Bodeen
- Stage Manager: Laura Koch
- Directed by: ensemble member Tina Landau
- Sound Design: Rob Milburn
- Original Music: Rob Milburn
- Scenic Design: James Schuette
- Dramaturg: Michele Volansky
- Lighting Design: Scott Zielinski
- movement coach: Robin McFarquhar