Opened May 2, 1999 In his first production since his triumphant Broadway direction of Ragtime, ensemble member Frank Galati returns to the Steppenwolf stage to direct his Chicago Premiere. Sylvia Regan's Morning Star beautifully captures the hopes and struggles of a widow and her extended family in the lower East Side of New York. Their fortunes are shaped by the momentous events happening around them: the Triangle Shirtwaist fire, World War I and the Great Depression. Originally produced in 1940, Morning Star shares with us a poignant quest for family, love and the promise of the American dream.Content Advisory
Steppenwolf does not offer advisories about subject matter, as sensitivities vary from person to person.If you have any questions about content, age-appropriateness or stage effects(such as strobe lights or theatrical fog) that might have a bearing on patron comfort, please contact the box office at 312-335-1650.
Cast & Artists
The Artists
- Sound Design: Michael Bodeen
- Directed by: ensemble member Frank Galati
- Stage Manager: Laura Koch
- Sound Design: Rob Milburn
- Costume Design: Allison Reeds
- Scenic Design: Todd Rosenthal
- Lighting Design: Christine A. Solger-Binder
- Dramaturg: Michele Volansky