Glenn Davis, ensemble member K. Todd Freeman, Jacqueline Williams, ensemble member Alana Arenas, Jeff Parker, Rodrick Covington and Phillip James Brannon
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Glenn Davis, ensemble member Ora Jones with Jacqueline Williams
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Tamberla Perry, ensemble member K. Todd Freeman with Phillip James Brannon
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Ensemble member Alana Arenas with Rodrick Covington (foreground), Jeff Parker, Jacqueline Williams, Tamberla Perry and Phillip James Brannon (background)
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Ensemble members Ora Jones and Alana Arenas (foreground), Jacqueline Williams, Glenn Davis, Phillip James Brannon and Rodrick Covington (background)
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Ensemble member Alana Arenas with Rodrick Covington
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Ensemble member Alana Arenas with Jacqueline Williams (foreground), Phillip James Brannon (background)
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Jeff Parker with ensemble member Alana Arenas
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Glenn Davis, Phillip James Brannon and Rodrick Covington
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Glenn Davis, Tamberla Perry, Phillip James Brannon and Rodrick Covington
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Jeff Parker, ensemble members Alana Arena and Ora Jones with Jacqueline Williams, Tamberla Perry and ensemble member K. Todd Freeman
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Ensemble member Alana Arenas with Rodrick Covington and the cast
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Rodrick Covington with ensemble members Alana Arenas and K. Todd Freeman (foreground) with Glenn Davis (background)
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Ensemble members Alana Arenas and K. Todd Freeman with Rodrick Covington
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Ensemble member Alana Arenas (center)
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Jeff Parker, Glenn Davis, ensemble members Alana Arenas and K. Todd Freeman with Rodrick Covington
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Ensemble member Alana Arenas (center), Jacqueline Williams, Jeff Parker, ensemble member Ora Jones, Rodrick Covington, Tamberla Perry and ensemble member K. Todd Freeman
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Ensemble member Alana Arenas with Phillip James Brannon and Glenn Davis
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Glenn Davis, Jacqueline Williams with ensemble members Ora Jones and Alana Arenas
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010
Jacqueline Williams and ensemble member Ora Jones
credit: Michael Brosilow
In the Red and Brown Water in Production
A breakthrough theatrical event: three interconnected plays by a brilliant new American voice. Grand in scope, yet intimate and heartfelt, Tarell McCraney’s plays are daring, funny and genuine. Steppenwolf will present The Brother/Sister Plays in repertory, with In the Red and Brown Water on one evening, in rotation with The Brothers Size/Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet on another.
Date: January 25, 2010