Huckleberry Finn, a rambunctious boy adventurer, escapes his troubled homelife by sailing a raft down the Mississippi River. Alongside him on his journey is Jim, a slave running away from being sold. Together they strike a bond of friendship that takes them through an adventure they'll never forget. Thrilling from start to end, this new adaptation will remind audiences why this uncompromising tale continues to be one of the most widely read and universally loved works in all American fiction. Recommended for ages 12 and up.Running Time
Running Time: 1 hour 30 minutes, including No Intermissions
Content Advisory
Steppenwolf does not offer advisories about subject matter, as sensitivities vary from person to person.If you have any questions about content, age-appropriateness or stage effects(such as strobe lights or theatrical fog) that might have a bearing on patron comfort, please contact the box office at 312-335-1650.
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Cast & Artists
The Artists
- Costume Design: Debbie Baer
- Dramaturg: Kate Evans
- Stage Manager: Lauren V. Hickman
- Lighting Design: Keith Parham
- Scenic Design: Keith Pitts
- Sound Design: Rick Sims
- Directed by: Ed Sobel
- Dialect Coach: Eva Breneman
On Steppenwolf for Young Adults
"These productions often are among the best work the company presents."
-Chicago Sun-Times
On Edward Sobel
"Director Edward Sobel’s production of The a work of rare intelligence, depth and feeling..."
-Chicago Sun-Times on The Chosen
"These productions often are among the best work the company presents."
-Chicago Sun-Times
On Edward Sobel
"Director Edward Sobel’s production of The a work of rare intelligence, depth and feeling..."
-Chicago Sun-Times on The Chosen