In the not-so-distant future, America is at the mercy of unchecked martial law after a massive government breakdown. Wells’ new dark comedy centers on Carlton Berg, a government employee imprisoned in a small-town Missouri jailhouse who claims to possess a giant database containing the names of every American citizen slated for persecution by the new regime. His only hope comes in the form of fellow inmate Tanya, an abrasive drunk driver, and Shonda, the jail’s law-abiding administrative assistant. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work, which also includes The Old Masters and The Etiquette of Vigilance. Take a backstage journey through the play development process with First Look 101.Content Advisory
Watch & Listen
Tom Hickey, Timothy Edward Kane, Brian King and fight choreographer Jeffrey Baumgartner
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Rehearsal
We peeked in on rehearsals for The North Plan. Here you'll find the cast working through an intensely physical rehearsal. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work.Jennifer Engstrom and Timothy Edward Kane
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Rehearsal
We peeked in on rehearsals for The North Plan. Here you'll find the cast working through an intensely physical rehearsal. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work.Timothy Edward Kane talking with Fight Choreographer Jeffrey Baumgartner
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Rehearsal
We peeked in on rehearsals for The North Plan. Here you'll find the cast working through an intensely physical rehearsal. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work.Jennifer Engstrom, Tom Hickey, Timothy Edward Kane and Brian King
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Rehearsal
We peeked in on rehearsals for The North Plan. Here you'll find the cast working through an intensely physical rehearsal. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work.Jennifer Engstrom, Tom Hickey and Timothy Edward Kane
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Rehearsal
We peeked in on rehearsals for The North Plan. Here you'll find the cast working through an intensely physical rehearsal. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work.Tom Hickey, Timothy Edward Kane and fight Choreographer Jeffrey Baumgartner
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Rehearsal
We peeked in on rehearsals for The North Plan. Here you'll find the cast working through an intensely physical rehearsal. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work.Tom Hickey, Timothy Edward Kane, Brian King, Will Zahrn and Fight Choreographer Jeffrey Baumgartner
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Rehearsal
We peeked in on rehearsals for The North Plan. Here you'll find the cast working through an intensely physical rehearsal. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work.Tom Hickey, Timothy Edward Kane, Brian King, Will Zahrn and Fight Choreographer Jeffrey Baumgartner
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Rehearsal
We peeked in on rehearsals for The North Plan. Here you'll find the cast working through an intensely physical rehearsal. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work.Fight Choreographer Jeffrey Baumgartner
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Rehearsal
We peeked in on rehearsals for The North Plan. Here you'll find the cast working through an intensely physical rehearsal. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work.Director Kimberly Senior
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Rehearsal
We peeked in on rehearsals for The North Plan. Here you'll find the cast working through an intensely physical rehearsal. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work.Tom Hickey and Brian King
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Rehearsal
We peeked in on rehearsals for The North Plan. Here you'll find the cast working through an intensely physical rehearsal. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work.Tom Hickey, Timothy Edward Kane, Brian King and Will Zahrn
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Rehearsal
We peeked in on rehearsals for The North Plan. Here you'll find the cast working through an intensely physical rehearsal. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work.Tom Hickey, Timothy Edward Kane, Brian King and Will Zahrn
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Rehearsal
We peeked in on rehearsals for The North Plan. Here you'll find the cast working through an intensely physical rehearsal. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work.Brian King
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Rehearsal
We peeked in on rehearsals for The North Plan. Here you'll find the cast working through an intensely physical rehearsal. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work.Jennifer Engstrom, Tom Hickey, Timothy Edward Kane and Brain King
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Rehearsal
We peeked in on rehearsals for The North Plan. Here you'll find the cast working through an intensely physical rehearsal. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work.Tom Hickey, Timothy Edward Kane, Stage Manager Jonathan Nook and Fight Choreographer Jeffrey Baumgartner
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Rehearsal
We peeked in on rehearsals for The North Plan. Here you'll find the cast working through an intensely physical rehearsal. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work.Timothy Edward Kane and Tom Hickey
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Production
Wells’ new dark comedy centers on Carlton Berg, a government employee imprisoned in a small-town Missouri jailhouse who claims to possess a giant database containing the names of every American citizen slated for persecution by the new regime. His only hope comes in the form of fellow inmate Tanya, an abrasive drunk driver, and Shonda, the jail’s law-abiding administrative assistant. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work, which also includes The Old Masters and The Etiquette of Vigilance.Jennifer Engstrom, Timothy Edward Kane and Tamberla Perry
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Production
Wells’ new dark comedy centers on Carlton Berg, a government employee imprisoned in a small-town Missouri jailhouse who claims to possess a giant database containing the names of every American citizen slated for persecution by the new regime. His only hope comes in the form of fellow inmate Tanya, an abrasive drunk driver, and Shonda, the jail’s law-abiding administrative assistant. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work, which also includes The Old Masters and The Etiquette of Vigilance.Jennifer Engstrom
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Production
Wells’ new dark comedy centers on Carlton Berg, a government employee imprisoned in a small-town Missouri jailhouse who claims to possess a giant database containing the names of every American citizen slated for persecution by the new regime. His only hope comes in the form of fellow inmate Tanya, an abrasive drunk driver, and Shonda, the jail’s law-abiding administrative assistant. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work, which also includes The Old Masters and The Etiquette of Vigilance.Brian King, Tamberla Perry and Tom Hickey
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Production
Wells’ new dark comedy centers on Carlton Berg, a government employee imprisoned in a small-town Missouri jailhouse who claims to possess a giant database containing the names of every American citizen slated for persecution by the new regime. His only hope comes in the form of fellow inmate Tanya, an abrasive drunk driver, and Shonda, the jail’s law-abiding administrative assistant. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work, which also includes The Old Masters and The Etiquette of Vigilance.Brian King, Jennifer Engstrom and Timothy Edward Kane
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Production
Wells’ new dark comedy centers on Carlton Berg, a government employee imprisoned in a small-town Missouri jailhouse who claims to possess a giant database containing the names of every American citizen slated for persecution by the new regime. His only hope comes in the form of fellow inmate Tanya, an abrasive drunk driver, and Shonda, the jail’s law-abiding administrative assistant. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work, which also includes The Old Masters and The Etiquette of Vigilance.Jennifer Engstrom
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Production
Wells’ new dark comedy centers on Carlton Berg, a government employee imprisoned in a small-town Missouri jailhouse who claims to possess a giant database containing the names of every American citizen slated for persecution by the new regime. His only hope comes in the form of fellow inmate Tanya, an abrasive drunk driver, and Shonda, the jail’s law-abiding administrative assistant. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work, which also includes The Old Masters and The Etiquette of Vigilance.Timothy Edward Kane and Will Zahrn
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Production
Wells’ new dark comedy centers on Carlton Berg, a government employee imprisoned in a small-town Missouri jailhouse who claims to possess a giant database containing the names of every American citizen slated for persecution by the new regime. His only hope comes in the form of fellow inmate Tanya, an abrasive drunk driver, and Shonda, the jail’s law-abiding administrative assistant. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work, which also includes The Old Masters and The Etiquette of Vigilance.Will Zahrn
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Production
Wells’ new dark comedy centers on Carlton Berg, a government employee imprisoned in a small-town Missouri jailhouse who claims to possess a giant database containing the names of every American citizen slated for persecution by the new regime. His only hope comes in the form of fellow inmate Tanya, an abrasive drunk driver, and Shonda, the jail’s law-abiding administrative assistant. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work, which also includes The Old Masters and The Etiquette of Vigilance.Jennifer Engstrom and Timothy Edward Kane
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Production
Wells’ new dark comedy centers on Carlton Berg, a government employee imprisoned in a small-town Missouri jailhouse who claims to possess a giant database containing the names of every American citizen slated for persecution by the new regime. His only hope comes in the form of fellow inmate Tanya, an abrasive drunk driver, and Shonda, the jail’s law-abiding administrative assistant. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work, which also includes The Old Masters and The Etiquette of Vigilance.Timothy Edward Kane
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Production
Wells’ new dark comedy centers on Carlton Berg, a government employee imprisoned in a small-town Missouri jailhouse who claims to possess a giant database containing the names of every American citizen slated for persecution by the new regime. His only hope comes in the form of fellow inmate Tanya, an abrasive drunk driver, and Shonda, the jail’s law-abiding administrative assistant. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work, which also includes The Old Masters and The Etiquette of Vigilance.Tamberla Perry
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Production
Wells’ new dark comedy centers on Carlton Berg, a government employee imprisoned in a small-town Missouri jailhouse who claims to possess a giant database containing the names of every American citizen slated for persecution by the new regime. His only hope comes in the form of fellow inmate Tanya, an abrasive drunk driver, and Shonda, the jail’s law-abiding administrative assistant. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work, which also includes The Old Masters and The Etiquette of Vigilance.Brian King, Tamberla Perry and Tom Hickey
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Production
Wells’ new dark comedy centers on Carlton Berg, a government employee imprisoned in a small-town Missouri jailhouse who claims to possess a giant database containing the names of every American citizen slated for persecution by the new regime. His only hope comes in the form of fellow inmate Tanya, an abrasive drunk driver, and Shonda, the jail’s law-abiding administrative assistant. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work, which also includes The Old Masters and The Etiquette of Vigilance.Tom Hickey
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Production
Wells’ new dark comedy centers on Carlton Berg, a government employee imprisoned in a small-town Missouri jailhouse who claims to possess a giant database containing the names of every American citizen slated for persecution by the new regime. His only hope comes in the form of fellow inmate Tanya, an abrasive drunk driver, and Shonda, the jail’s law-abiding administrative assistant. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work, which also includes The Old Masters and The Etiquette of Vigilance.Tom Hickey, Will Zahrn and Tamberla Perry
credit: Peter Coombs
The North Plan in Production
Wells’ new dark comedy centers on Carlton Berg, a government employee imprisoned in a small-town Missouri jailhouse who claims to possess a giant database containing the names of every American citizen slated for persecution by the new regime. His only hope comes in the form of fellow inmate Tanya, an abrasive drunk driver, and Shonda, the jail’s law-abiding administrative assistant. The North Plan is part of the 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work, which also includes The Old Masters and The Etiquette of Vigilance.Elevator Speech: The North Plan
We asked actors Brian King and Tom Hickey, who are currently in "The North Plan," to convince us over the course of an elevator ride to come see their play. They have sooo much energy!"The North Plan" is one of three new plays being showcased at Steppenwolf's 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work.
Elevator Speech: The North Plan
We asked actors Brian King and Tom Hickey, who are currently in "The North Plan," to convince us over the course of an elevator ride to come see their play. They have sooo much energy!"The North Plan" is one of three new plays being showcased at Steppenwolf's 6th Annual First Look Repertory of New Work.
Cast & Artists
The Artists
- Assistant Stage Manager: Simone Gianfrancisco
- Dramaturg: Joy Meads
- Stage Manager: Jonathan Nook
- Directed by: Kimberly Senior
- Author: Jason Wells