Artist Profiles

Yadira Correa

Yadira Correa is a native of Puerto Rico. She has worked with Renaissance Theatreworks (Milwaukee) Teatro Vista, Collaboraction, Halcyon Theater, About Face Theater, Vitalist Theatre, Mortar Theatre, Sour Mash Productions, and Urban Theater Company. Plays include Tanya Saracho's Enfrascada: A Comedy of Hoodoo Proportions (16th Street, Renaissance Theatreworks); Corazón de Manzana (Mortar Theatre Company), as well as most ensemble-devised works at Teatro Luna (from 2003 to 2009) including Machos, Lunatica(s), Solo Tu, S-e-x-Oh! and Jarred. Yadira is an alumni of the School at Steppenwolf.

Past Productions

Member Profiles

Yadira Correa