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Ensemble Spotlight: Kathryn Erbe

Member since 1993

Hometown: Newton, Massachusetts

Past Performances
A Streetcar Named Desire (1997)
My Thing Of Love (1992)
Curse Of The Starving Class (1991)
The Grapes Of Wrath (1990)

1. What brought you to Steppenwolf?
I went to an alternative high school in Western Massachusetts in the early 80's. I was in the summer Drama program there and the director of the program Greg Moffat, took us to see Balm In Gilead when it was running at Circle Rep on 7th Ave. It blew my mind right open, I felt like I had new eyes looking at the world and knew I wanted to DO THAT. Several years later, after graduating from the undergrad acting program at NYU and going right out to LA to do a short lived sitcom, the first audition I had upon returning to NYC was for The Grapes Of Wrath. Steppenwolf was bringing their production to B'way and they needed a few local actors to fill out the ensemble. I dusted off my beloved Sam Shepard monologue from La Turista and auditioned. I was cast in three nonspeaking roles and suddenly living my dream! My first paying theater gig-on Broadway with my heroes.

2. For which role are you most recognized?
It would have to be Detective Alexandra Eames from Law and Order Criminal Intent—no contest. Maybe Michelle McKay from The Mighty Ducks 2 following close behind.

3. Which role do you wish you could do again?
I don't really have a dream role, although I feel I should! I would like another chance to play nearly every role I've ever played. My process seems to be incredibly slow. I'm usually still trying to crack the part when we close!

4. What is your favorite thing to do on a sunny Chicago afternoon?
Being by the lake walking my dogs and biking, visiting with close friends and family and eating in all the amazing restaurants there. As a vegan who is also gluten free I am amazed by all the options in a town known for its meat lovers!

5. What’s next for you?
An independent film shooting in Northern NJ in the next few weeks and helping to develop a whole bunch of new plays. That's something that keeps me sane. I love reading new plays and watching them develop, hearing new voices and supporting writers.