Artist Profiles

Natalie Moore

Natalie Moore is WBEZ's South Side Reporter. Prior to joining the WBEZ staff in May 2007, Natalie was a city hall reporter for the Detroit News. She has also been an education reporter for the St. Paul Pioneer Press and a reporter for the Associated Press in Jerusalem.

Natalie’s work has been published in Essence, Black Enterprise, the Chicago Reporter, Bitch, In These Times, the Chicago Sun-Times and the Chicago Tribune. Natalie is the author of The South Side: A Portrait of Chicago and American Segregation (March 2016, St. Martin’s Press) She is co-author of the book Deconstructing Tyrone: A New Look at Black Masculinity in the Hip-Hop Generation. (Cleis Press, 2006). She is also co-author of The Almighty Black P Stone Nation: The Rise, Fall and Resurgence of an American Gang. (Feb. 2011, Lawrence Hill Press).

Natalie has an M.S.J. in Newspaper Management from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University and a B.A. in Journalism from Howard University. Natalie is a 2009 fellow at Columbia College’s Ellen Stone Belic Institute for the Study of Women and Gender in the Arts and Media, which allowed her to take a reporting trip to Libya. She's also a 2010 recipient of the Studs Terkel Community Media Award. She has won several journalism awards, including a Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism. She is a member of the Windy City Chapter of The Links, Inc.

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Member Profiles

Natalie Moore

Natalie Moore