Artist Profiles

Karen Hoyer

Karen joined Theatre Zarko in 2009. She is Dr. Dot for Big Apple Circus' Clown Care, runs and teaches for Ringling Clown College. She co-founded Partners in Mime, Inc. and her solo Apparent Appearances toured Mexico. With her twin, she created The Angel Project and was a flying bungee Rheinmaiden for The Ring Cycle (Lyric Opera of Chicago). Karen learned to sew from her talented but exacting grandmother whose response to minor mistakes was: “I guess we'll just have to rip this out.” The directive to cut used painter's drop cloth into rough dresses “sewn by an inept tailor” was a liberating leap. The Mothers' Dresses evolved throughout the rehearsal process to accommodate changes in the script and each character's development. In addition to her wardrobe duties at Theatre Zarko, Karen has created numerous costumes, masks and puppets for her own work as well as for colleagues in the clown and variety arts world. Her two extraordinary children, Jackson and Geneva, have shown amazing independence while she tended to this demanding baby. Karen dedicates this to her father, John, who inspired her and her husband, Richard, who provides loving support and encouragement.

Past Productions

Member Profiles

Karen Hoyer

Past Productions