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Getting to know Playwright Tanya Saracho

From what seed did the idea For Hushabye Grow?
Tanya Saracho: From an angel. Or from when I thought I was being haunted by a demon-like angel in my apartment. So I put it in the first draft of the play: Erika moves into her new place and an angel/demon drops from heaven when she climaxes with Brian that first night in the apartment and the creature begins to haunt her. That was the play. Until it wasn’t. Until it became a whole other thing. There are no more angels in this play.

What is your favorite part of the playmaking process, and why?
Tanya Saracho: That overwhelming sense of possibility after hearing your first draft. Not even opening night compares to it for me.

Despite the gravity of the issues confronting the characters, your play is really funny. Do you have any comedic heroes?
Tanya Saracho: Tin Tan, Resortes, Cantinflas and Chachita. Mexican comedy icons.

What are the best perks of writing for Looking and Girls?
Tanya Saracho: Free lunch! These TV people are so fancy with their gluten-free, micro-greens, farm-to-table lunches that they provide for the writers every day. Yup. You heard it right. Every. Day.

Your play features a sibling relationship that is both combative and deeply supportive. Do you have any personal relationships that you draw inspiration from?
Tanya Saracho: Yes. I mean, I don’t want to out myself or put my family on blast but I have siblings with a history of rehab as well as a slew of other kinfolk dysfunctions. I am quite versed in that area.

The Pyramid Challenge Play & Playwright in 55 Words

In one word what is your play about? Reconciliation
In two words where is your favorite place to write? In seclusion
In three words how vital are other people’s opinions when you are working on a piece? Más o menos
In four words what dreams do you have for the characters in your play? A coherent, compelling story
In five words who is your favorite writer, and why? Sor Juana, because she dared
In six words describe what happened on your least favorite writing day. Happens a lot: when i’m interrupted
In seven words describe what happened on your favorite writing day. Not only broke through, but finished it
In eight words what did the first version of this play look like? It was quite promising; there was an angel.
In nine words what is your play about? Sisters; atonement; adultery; redemption; old wounds; and basic bitches.
In ten words in what future projects should we look out for you? Co-producing “Looking” on HBO; mounting “Mala Hierba” at 2nd stage