About This Show
At You're Being Ridiculous, real people tell true stories about their lives. Each performer is linked by our rotating themes, and by the desire to make you laugh-and, once in a while, cry. Our motto: Good stories are better than good times. We laugh at ourselves and laugh with each other. Everyone has a story to tell. What's yours?
Nightly lineups as follows:
Friday, June 22: Kenley Eaglestone, Lindsay Eanet, LeVan Hawkins, Ray Lauk, Angie McMahon, Jeremy Owens, Vince Pagan, and John Sundholm
Saturday, June 23: Rita Balzotti, Sarah Bunger, Ariel Carter, Kim Hunt, Darwyn Jones, Jeremy Owens, Carlos Antonio Piñón, and Lauren Sivak
Friday, June 29: David Bartz, Casey Coppess, Kurt Conley, Ray Goldberg, Robert McDonald, Jeremy Owens, Brandon Strawn, and Aimy Tien
Saturday, June 30: Jim Bennett, Molly Brennan, Patrick Curtin, Kelly Duff, Edward Thomas-Herrera, Lyndsey Lesh, Jeremy Owens, Derek Van Barham