About This Show
The Jump is a theatrical event that encourages bravery and risk-taking above all else.
Because essentially, it was created that way. With an idea that was completely half-baked, a simple longing for a husband and wife to sing a few songs together for their friends. Even though they're not really professional singers. And even though they'd only written two songs.
But if you just go for it, wonderful things can be created in the few seconds between lift-off and landing. Or not. Sometimes you just land with a thud, with bruised knees and bruised egos. And that's okay too. The point of The Jump is to provide a soft landing, for performers and audiences alike. To say, "You can do it. It's fun. It might hurt. But we'll catch you."
Performing a new song is a jump. Telling a new story is a jump. Trying a new trick is a jump. Heck, clearing your calendar, hiring a babysitter, finding parking and coming to see a theatre show is a jump. Everybody deserves their jump to be, at the very least, applauded.
Like life, theatre is, at its best, a daring, scary, exhilarating community experience.
So is The Jump.
We jump. You jump. We all make The Jump together.
Tonight's Jumpers are Robyn Chamberlain, Cliff Chamberlain, Paul Boulus, Libby Conkle, Holly Dausch, Chelsea Keenan, Chris Matthews and esteemed magician Dennis Watkins.