Doors: 7:30pm
Shows: 8:00pm
At You're Being Ridiculous, created and hosted by Jeremy Owens, real people tell true stories about their lives. Storytellers are linked by a theme, and by the desire to make you laugh—and, once in awhile, cry. Our motto: Good stories are better than good times. We laugh at ourselves, and laugh with each other. Everyone has a story to tell. What’s yours?
The complete lineups:
Saturday, January 7
Brooke Allen, Lily Be, Julie Cowden, Stephanie Diaz, Emjoy Gavino, Adrienne Gunn, Jeremy Owens, Karen Shimmin, Diana Slickman, and Lynn Wilde
Saturday, January 14
Randall Colburn, Seth Davis, Lisa Farver, Elizabeth Gomez, Kim Nelson, Jeremy Owens, Allison Shoemaker, Steven Strafford, Julia Weiss, and Dexter Zollicoffer
Saturday, January 21
Ines Belina, Molly Brennan, Philip Dawkins, Jennie Ellman, Margaret Ghielmetti, Isaac Gomez, Heidi Grandberry, Rashaad Hall, Archy Jamjun, MT Cozzola, and Jeremy Owens