Beane is invisible to his career-focused sister and her cynical husband. Beane’s life is a shrinking, darkening world...until Molly appears. When Beane discovers Molly, suddenly all of the love songs make sense. This off-beat romantic comedy is a world premiere work from hot young playwright John Kolvenbach, whose work has been produced from New York to London’s West End.Running Time
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Cast & Artists
The Artists
- Scenic Design: Brian Bembridge
- Lighting Design: Michelle Habeck
- Costume Design: Rachel Anne Healy
- Author: John Kolvenbach
- Assistant Stage Manager: Michelle Medvin
- Directed by: ensemble member Austin Pendleton
- Sound Design: Andre Pluess
- Stage Manager: Deb Styer
- Sound Design: Ben Sussman
- Assistant Stage Manager: Michelle Medvin
Featured Ensemble Members
-Chicago Tribune
"Highly Recommended! A hugely engaging world premiere...with four peerless (and fearless) actors."
-Chicago Sun-Times
On Mariann Mayberry
"[Mariann Mayberry is] memorable, adorable, authentic."
-Chicago Magazine on One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
On Molly Regan
"[Molly Regan is] delicious, often show-stopping."
-Chicago Sun-Times on The Glass Menagerie
On Austin Pendleton
"[Austin] Pendleton not only captures the themes of the play, but captivates the audience."
-WBEZ on Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Program Articles
Brothers and sisters are our first peers, and often, our enduring friends, or rivals, or both. It isn't a surprise, then, that such complicated bonds, rife with history and conflict, are at the heart of so many great plays.
We asked the cast of Love Song to tell us about their favorite romantic tunes...
Director of New Play Development Edward Sobel talks with playwright John Kolvenbach about his new romantic comedy Love Song, which plays in the Steppenwolf Downstairs Theatre March 30 – June 4, 2006.
Martha Lavey, Steppenwolf's Artistic Director, reflects on the theatre's thirty years of growth and the process behind presenting a groundbreaking anniversary season.