Inspired by true events, this poignant drama by Rebeca Alemán is about a human rights journalist, Paulina, who has recently emerged from a coma and must recover her memory in order to unveil the truth and achieve justice. All she remembers is that she has a mother and a daughter. Rodrigo by her side goes to inconceivable lengths to help her.
A one-act play that takes place over the course of two months with Paulina desperately trying to reconstruct her personal story. Rodrigo is certain that Paulina, knowing the truth, will never forgive him. Two characters fall into a world of violence where cruelty is a habit, impunity is routine, freedom a utopia, and telling the truth is the greatest risk.
View the trailer here.
Due to the high volume and wide breadth of work we present, we are often not able to proactively offer content advisories for individual performances. However, if you have specific concerns about stage effects (such as strobe lights or fog/haze) that might have a bearing on comfort or well-being, or if you would like to know more about the age appropriateness of the performance, please contact the box office at 312-335-1650.